Cambi Blog.

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learn about thermal hydrolysis solutions and environment best practices.

Davyhulme: The Story behind Europe's Largest THP Plant

Learn from the story of one of the UK's largest wastewater companies, United Utilities, on their journey in adopting advanced digestion at Davyhulme.

Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis: Presence and Future in the Nordics

Get to know how the global sludge treatment technology, thermal hydrolysis, is developing in its area of origin, the Nordics.

Thermophilic Digestion vs THP+MAD: Project Saraswati 2.0 Results

Dive into Project Saraswati 2.0's study results comparing thermophilic digestion with thermal hydrolysis and mesophilic digestion.

Industrial Emissions Directive: EU Wastewater Sector Impact

See how updated EU rules, like the Industrial Emissions and Urban Wastewater Treatment Directives, are shaping the future of the wastewater industry.

DC Water Bloom: A Biosolids for Land Application Success Story

Learn how DC Water, a world-leading utility, made and launched an excellent biosolids product for land application called Bloom

Sludge Dryers: Optimise Energy Use with Thermal Hydrolysis

Discover how sludge dryers can increase capacity and contribute to optimising wastewater utilities' energy costs with thermal hydrolysis.

A 2024 Guide to Key Water, Wastewater, Biosolids Conferences

Dive into our list of the most anticipated water, wastewater, and biosolids conferences of the year.

The Mark II Upgrade – A Boost for THP Capacity

Discover the advantages of a Mark II upgrade for THP systems

Sludge Incineration and the Thermal Hydrolysis Advantage

Explore how and why thermal hydrolysis is being adopted by more utilities for sewage sludge incineration.
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