Cambi Literature

Article ()
Paper ()
Proceedings ()
Barber, WPF ()
Barber, WPF and Christy, P ()
Barber, WPF, Lancaster, R, Kleiven, H ()
Barber, WPF, Nilsen, PJ and Christy, P ()
Barber, WPF, Peot, C, Murthy, S, Higgins, M, Bodniewicz, B ()
Bi, X., Ran, X., Wang, J., Lv, W., Liao, Z. ()
Camacho, P., Ewert, W., Kopp, J., Panter, K., Perez-Elvira, S., Piat, E. ()
Chauzy, J, Graja, S, Gerardin, F, Cretenot, D, Patria, L, Fernandes, P ()
Ferraro, D., Sahu, A., Jimenez, A., Ugland, T.N. ()
Fjaergard, T., Sorensen, G., Solheim, O.E., Seyffarth, T. ()
Fjordside, C. ()
Graja S, Chauzy, J, Fernandes, P, Patria, L, Cretenot, D ()
Kepp U., Panter, K., Solheim O.E. ()
Kepp U., Solheim O.E. ()
Kepp, U, Machenbach, I, Weisz, N, Solheim OE ()
Kopp, J., Kopmann, T., Nilsen, P.J., Holte, H.R., Kleiven, H., Karbo, J. ()
Liao, Z, Zhang, R, Barber, WPF, Ge, YT ()
Liao, Z., Zhang, R., Huang, O. ()
Liao, Z., Barber, B., Panter, K. ()
Liao, Z., Munoz, K.P., Ge, Y., Sun, J., Zhao, X., Huang, O., Hawthrone, P., Deng, D., Barber, B., Zhang, R., Weng, Y. ()
Liao, Z., Svensson, G. Sørensen, Y. Ge, Y. Zhang, D. Deng, C. Han, R. Zhang, L. Shi ()
Liao, Z., Zhang, R. Chen,Y. Huang, O. and Weng, Y. ()
Mitra, Indra ()
Oosterhuis, M, Ringoot, D, Hendriks, A, and Roeleveld, P ()
Panter, K, Rawlinson, D ()
Panter, K. ()
Pickworth, B, Adams, J, Panter, K, and Solheim, OE ()
Pook, M., Mills, N., Heitmann, M., Panter, K., P. Walley ()
Sahu, AK ()
Sargalski, W., Solheim, O.E., Fjorside, C. ()
Song, X., Liao, Z., GE, Y., Guo, C., Deng, D., Zhao, X., Chauzy, J. ()
Svennevik, OK, Beck, G, Rus, E, Westereng, B, Higgins, M, Solheim, OE, Nilsen, PJ, Horn, SJ ()
Svennevik, OK, Solheim, OE, Beck, G, Sørland, GH, Jonassen, KR, Rus, E, Westereng, B, Horn, SJ, Higgins, MJ, Nilsen, PJ ()
Svensson, K, Kjørlaug, O, Higgins, M, Linjordet, R, Horn, S ()
Svensson, K, Kjørlaug, O, Horn, S, Agger, J ()
Svensson, K, Paruch, L, Gaby, JC, Linjordet, R ()
Tzimorotas, D, Afseth, NK, Lindberg, D, Kjørlaug, O, Axelsson, L, Shapaval, V ()
Walley, P. ()
Zikakis, D., Chauzy, J., Droubogianni, I., Georgakopoulos, A. ()
Asian Water ()
BioCycle ()
Biomass and Bioenergy ()
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering ()
Bioresource Technology ()
Enviro-Tech Technology ()
Proc of the 18th European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference, Manchester, UK ()
Proc of the 8th IWA-ASPIRE Conference, HongKong, China ()
Proc of the 9th World Congress, Anaerobic Conversion for Sustainability ()
Proc of the EcoMondo ()
Proc of the European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland ()
Proc of the IWA AD conference, Beijing, China ()
Proc of the IWA Specialist Conference on Sludge Management - SludgeTech, London, UK ()
Proc of the IWA World Water Congress Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan ()
Proc of the Water Management in Cold Climate Conference, Harbin, China ()
Proc of the WEFTEC., Chicago, USA ()
Proc. of the 12th European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference, Manchester, UK ()
Proc. of the 15th European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference, Leeds, UK ()
Proc. of the 16th Annual Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference ()
Proc. of the European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference, Manchester, UK ()
Proc. of the European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference, UK ()
Proceedings of the European Biosolids conference ()
Proceedings of the WEF Residuals and Biosolids conference ()
Proceedings of the WEFTEC conference ()
Smart Water and Waste World ()
Waste Monitor ()
Water and Wastewater International Magazine ()
Water Practice & Technology Journal ()
Water Research ()
Water Science and Technology ()
Water World ()
World Water ()
World Water WEF ()
Proc. of the European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference, Wakefield, UK ()
2000 - Clear all
  • biosolids
  • Class A
  • sewage sludge
  • technology
  • tender
A 5-point plant for sewage sludge management in India
  • Anaerobic
  • Digestion
  • Dewatering
  • E Coli
  • Reactivation
A comparative perspective of US and UK thinking on e coli reactivation in digestion and dewatering
  • Biosolids management
  • advanced digestion
  • Whole-community approach
A Whole-Community Biosolids Management Based on Advanced Digestion
  • Advanced digestion
  • Beijing
  • Biosolids management
  • China
  • Co-digestion
  • Thermal hydrolysis
Advanced Digestion of Sludge enhances shift of biosolids management strategy in Beijing
  • Beijing
  • biosolids strategy
  • advanced digestion
  • CambiTHP®
  • thermal hydrolysis
  • Xiaohongmen; sludge
  • Water Reclamation Plant
  • land application
Beijing Biosolids Strategy Based on Advanced Digestion and Practice in Xiaohongmen Water Reclamation Plant
  • advanced digestion
  • biosolids strategy
  • biowaste
  • co-digestion
  • thermal hydrolysis
Beijings new biosolids management strategy with THP advanced digestion
  • anaerobic digestion
  • biosolids treatment
  • carbon footprint
Biosolids treatment: Looking back to look ahead
  • anaerobic digestion
  • Cambi SolidStream
  • dewatering
  • operating costs
Cambi Solidstream: Thermal hydrolysis as a pre-treatment for dewatering
  • Anaerobic digestion
  • cogeneration
  • thermophilic
  • thermal hydrolysis
Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis Combined with Thermophilic/Mesophilic Digestion
  • Xiaohongmen Water Reclamation Plant (XHM-WRP)
  • Sludge; Advanced Anaerobic Digestion (AAD)
  • CambiTHP®
  • Operational Experience
CambiTHP advanced anaerobic digestion for upgrading sludge treatment in Xiaohongmen
  • anaerobic digestion
  • ash
  • biogas
  • C/N
  • dewatering
  • thermal hydrolysis
CN ash as predictor of digestate dewaterability
  • Anaerobic digestion
  • Biogas
  • Dewaterability
  • Heat treatment
  • Sludge
  • Thermal hydrolysis
Combined experiences of thermal hydrolysis and anaerobic digestion
  • naerobic biofilm treatment
  • sludge reduction
  • solubilisation
  • thermal lysis
Enhanced anaerobic methanisation with thermal lysis reduces sludge volumes
  • agriculture
  • biogas
  • digestion
  • disintegration
  • sewage sludge
  • thermal hydrolysis
Enhanced stabilisation of sewage sludge through thermal hydrolysis
  • Sludge
  • digestion
  • thermal hydrolysis
  • ultrasound
  • sand removal
  • hydrocyclone
  • MLSS
Experimental Studies on pre-treatment of sludge by combination of thermal hydrolysis
  • Anaerobic Digestion
  • CHP
  • Dewatering
  • steam explosion
  • Thermal Hydrolysis
Exploring the upper limits of thermal hydrolysis at Chertsey STW
  • food rest materials
  • fungi; lipids
  • pre-treatment
  • submerged fermentation
Food waste bioconversion to fungal lipid-rich biomass
  • 16S rRNA
  • beta-oxidation
  • biogas
  • CSTR
  • methane
  • stability
Food waste THP: Effects of variation in disgester feeding frequency
  • activated sludge
  • CAMBI® Process
  • full-scale application for waste
  • sewage sludge dewatering
  • sewage sludge digestion
  • thermal hydrolysis
Full Scale continuous thermal hydrolysis of waste activated Sludge
  • Anaerobic
  • Biosolids
  • Class A
  • Dewatering
  • Digestion
  • Hydrolysis
  • Mesophilic
  • Micro-Pollutants
  • Microthrix
  • Pasteurisation
  • Sludge
  • Steam
  • Thermal
Full scale experience of retrofitting thermal hydrolysis to an existing anaerobic digester
  • Digestion process
  • high dry solids
  • process stability
  • sewage sludge
  • volatile fatty acids
High dry solids digestion
  • anaerobic digestion
  • biogas
  • dewatering
  • moisture distribution
  • thermal hydrolysis
Impact of THP after digestion on dewatering and moisture distribution
  • anaerobic digestion
  • energy balance
  • energy recovery
  • thermal oxidation
Influence of sludge processing on power demand of wastewater treatment
  • anaerobic digestion
  • biosolids
  • nitrification
  • primary sludge
  • secondary sludge
  • wastewater treatment
Influence of wastewater treatment on sludge production and processing
  • biosolids
  • dewaterability
  • mass reduction
  • thermal disintegration
  • sludge
Meeting increased demands on sludge quality – Experience with full scale plant for thermal disintegration
  • Anaerobic Digestion
  • Chertsey STW
  • Performance
  • Thermal Hydrolysis
Optimising thermal hydrolysis for reliable high digester solids loading and performance
  • anaerobic digestion
  • biofuel
  • bio-methane potential (BMP)
  • bomb calorimetry
  • chemical oxygen demand (COD)
  • volatile solids
Organic matter determination and bio-methane potentials
  • Class A
  • COD
  • co-digestion
  • DC Water
  • food waste
  • thermal hydrolysis
Potential for co-digestion of food waste at the Blue Plains THP plant
  • anaerobic digestion
  • energy
  • recovery
Rethinking wastewater treatment
  • sewage treatment
  • sludge
  • technology development
Sludge treatment, past and future
  • India
  • sewage
  • ludge management
  • strategy
  • wastewater
Strategy for sustainable sludge management in Indian cities
  • anaerobic digestion
  • minimisation
  • sanitisation
  • sludge
  • thermal hydrolysis
Thermal hydrolysis and rapid anaerobic digestion reduce sludge production
  • Hengelo
  • sludge digestion
  • thermal hydrolysis
  • waste activated sludge
Thermal hydrolysis for sewage treatment: A critical review
  • Hengelo
  • sludge digestion
  • thermal hydrolysis
  • waste activated sludge
Thermal hydrolysis of waste activated sludge at the Hengelo WWTP
  • Dewatering
  • digestion
  • thermal hydrolysis
  • polymer
Thermal hydrolysis process for effective and sustainable sludge treatment at sludge centers
  • biosolids treatment
  • carbon footprint
  • anaerobic digestion
  • thermal hydrolysis
Thermal hydrolysis reduces WWTP carbon footprint and operating costs
  • best available technologies
  • co-digestion
  • EU regulations
  • food waste
  • India
  • sludge
  • thermal hydrolysis
Thermal hydrolysis with co-digestion - case studies from Asia and Scandinavia
  • anaerobic digestion
  • thermal hydrolysis
  • drying
  • incineration
Thermal hydrolysis with drying and downstream thermal processing
  • biosolids treatment
  • Davyhulme
  • energy balance
  • sludge management
Thermal hydrolysis: The missing ingredient for better biosolids?
  • Biogas
  • COD
  • calorific value
  • energy source
  • sewage sludge
  • thermo dynamic
Thermo dynamical assessment of the digestion process
  • Thermal Hydrolysis Process
  • Anaerobic Digestion
  • Compactness
  • Operational Stability
  • Biosolids Management
THP Advanced Anaerobic Digestion for Compact and Efficient Biosolids Management in Cold Climates
  • anaerobic digestion
  • biogas; SolidStream
  • dewaterability
  • post treatment
  • steam explosion
  • sewage sludge
THP after co-digestion: methane yields, dewaterability and solids reduction
  • Animal Byproducts Regulation
  • Anaerobic digestion
  • Biodegradable municipal waste
  • Hamar
  • Thermal Hydrolysis
Treating organic waste with Cambi THP
  • biosolids
  • drying
  • economics
  • thermal hydrolysis
UK energy and emission policies favour advanced sludge digestion with THP
  • anaerobic digestion
  • biosolids treatment
  • carbon footprint
United Utilities’ biosolids strategy reduces carbon footprint
  • Advanced Digestion
  • Biosolids
  • Chamber Filter Press
  • Commissioning
  • Egg shaped Digesters
  • Land Application
  • Xiaohongmen WWTP
Upgrading of Xiaohongmeng WWTP to the First Cambi Advanced Anaerobic Digestion Project in Beijing
  • cogeneration
  • dewatering
  • digestion
  • pasteurisation
  • thermal hydrolysis
Using waste heat to maximise biogas production after THP pre-treatment
  • anaerobic digestion
  • energy management
  • Greece
  • Psyttalia
  • thermal hydrolysis
Why applying THP on waste activated sludge makes sense
  • anaerobic digestion
  • biomethane
  • co-digestion
  • incineration
  • sewage sludge
  • super-critical wet air oxidation
With changing drivers, sewage sludge is becoming a resource

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sustainable, together

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