Sample Testing


As the pioneering technology provider in Thermal Hydrolysis, Cambi has deep expertise in sludge behaviour and properties. This knowledge has been applied to the design and operation of numerous THP plants worldwide.

In cases where sludge composition is less known, there may be uncertainties regarding the effects of Thermal Hydrolysis. To address this, Cambi collaborates closely with clients to perform laboratory testing, assessing the benefits of Thermal Hydrolysis for specific sludge types. The results provide high-quality data to inform the Basis of Design for large-scale THP plants.

Typical Laboratory Tests

Cambi’s laboratory tests may include (but are not limited to):

  • Dewaterability assessment
  • Volatile Solids Reduction (VSR), COD conversion, and Bio-Methane Potential (BMP) testing
  • Sludge rheology analysis
  • Identification of optimal Thermal Hydrolysis configurations and conditions

Our Laboratory Testing Process

Cambi’s Laboratory Testing Services follow a structured approach:

  1. Test planning – Developing a protocol to obtain representative data for large-scale design.
  2. Test execution – Conducted at Cambi’s test facilities at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) or in collaboration with partner universities worldwide.
  3. Analysis and reporting – Interpretation of results with expert recommendations.
  4. Third-party support (if required) – Assistance with test execution at external facilities, including training, supervision, and equipment rental.