Code of Conduct


Cambi's Code of Conduct defines our position on matters related to legal compliance, highlighting our intolerance of unethical, dishonest, or unjust behaviour. The code applies to all employees of Cambi ASA and its subsidiaries, all company affiliates, directors, and those working on Cambi's behalf in any capacity around the globe. We will also require the observance of this code from business partners or anyone with whom we have a business relationship.

The code contains our protocols for training the aforementioned parties, establishing responsibilities and processes to facilitate compliance and describing the consequences of breaches of the code. It also specifies the actions and behaviours deemed fraudulent or against Cambi's best interests, providing guidelines on conflict of interest, gifts or inducements, charitable donations, and discrimination and harassment.

Should you want to report any breach of this code anonymously or otherwise, guidelines are made available in the whistleblower portion of the document as well as on our whistleblower page.

The code of conduct is currently available in English in Spanish and will be translated in several other languages in 2024.