Whistleblower channel


Cambi believes that compliance, integrity, and transparency are fundamental to the success and longevity of the organisation. Therefore, any employee who is aware or has any suspicions of unprofessional conduct or breaches of Cambi's Code of Conduct, other governing documents, or laws and regulations must report these concerns immediately. Failure to report such incidents is considered a breach of the aforementioned Code. Agents, affiliated parties, business partners, and other third parties are also encouraged to report these matters.

Whistleblowing is the act of reporting possible violations of applicable laws and regulations in the countries in which Cambi operates. Examples of violations include but are not limited to fraud, corruption, harassment and discrimination, negligence or offences related to health and safety, violations of environmental and human rights laws, and other breaches of the Code of Conduct.

The whistleblower decides what information is to be disclosed. Though there is no requirement for the whistleblower to prove that the event, act, or omission occurred, they must provide as much information as possible and, if possible, supporting evidence. This information will assist Cambi in performing an adequate investigation as merited by the incident.

At Cambi, we foster an open-door policy and encourage employees to share their questions, concerns, suggestions, or complaints internally with those who can address the issue or whose authority can affect change. If the circumstances deem it inappropriate, the concern can be reported to Cambi's independent whistleblower channel managed by Advokatfirmaet PwC AS.

The whistleblower channel offers the whistleblower the possibility of reporting anonymously. 

It is important to Cambi that the whistleblowing procedure feels safe, sufficiently predictable, and respectful for all those who raise a concern.

The following will be observed in the management of all whistleblower reports:

  • All reports will be taken seriously.
  • All reports will be sufficiently investigated within a reasonable timeframe and in a fair, open-minded, and objective manner.
  • All reports will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and following the prevailing best practices for information security.
  • All whistleblowers reporting in good faith will be protected from their identity being disclosed, litigation, reprisals and victimisation.
  • Whistleblowers who use the online form, email or otherwise provide contact details will get timely, confidential feedback and information about the process.
  • Any person accused in a whistleblower report has the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against them and to be heard (contradiction)
  • All investigations opened as a result of a whistleblower report will be documented in writing (notoriety).